Welcome to my new website! What an improvement from my old site, don't you think?
I had to abandon the name Regency Rising, since right now I'm working on all sorts of things. However, the regency romance will continue. I'll be sure to update my progress as I go.
I'm excited about this new site, and my blog, of course. In the last couple of weeks I had the very good fortune to meet an old friend of mine who is also writing romance. We are a hard breed to find here in Newfoundland. She was gracious enough to invite me to join her writing group, that has the wonderful name of "Scribe Wenches." I've always wanted to be a wench, so it seemed a great group to join. They are an active group of writers and bloggers, and hopefully I will learn a thing or two from them!
Please let me know what you think of the site, and if there's anything that's looking wonky to you. Or if there's anything you'd like to see on here. There are exciting times ahead!