1. When someone finds out you're an author, how do you handle the statement "I have a story you should write?"
That's actually happened to me a few times. I love it. :) I think everyone has a great story to tell, so my advice is always, put your thoughts to paper, and let me know if there's any way I can help you. I think if people feel passionately about a story, they should try and write it themselves first. Even if they don't think they are a writer, they'll be able to capture the essence. Then, if they want to proceed, find someone with stronger writing skills to help flush it out.
2. Do you write what you read?
I read everything, so it's hard to answer that. Oddly enough, I don't read a lot of contemporary romances. But I read a lot of Newfoundland fiction, romance novels in general, and fantasy novels. I think my brand of contemporary has some elements from all the things I read. My favourite romances to read are Regency romances. Perhaps that why I haven't finished mine. I'm so intimidated by my favourite authors!
3. People often mistake the lifestyle of a writer as glamourous. Give us the scoop. What about your lifestyle would shock your readers?
This question is awesome because I lead the most non-glamourous life known to man. Much of my writing is done in my car while the baby sleeps in the backseat, or stood at the kitchen counter while the baby tosses food around the place. As a full-time writer, full-time mom, something has to give, and in my case, it's housework. I seriously need a days notice before friends come by just so my hubby can help make sense of our chaos. I would love a house keeper. That's my dream. I know I'll have made it as a writer the day I can pay someone to clean our house.
And there you have it. Another week of confessions. :) Now why not pop over and visit JJ Devine and see what's non-glamourous about her life. And for the record, her answer to question three could be another of mine.