1. How do you find the appropriate setting for the story, or does it find you?
Everything I write is set in Newfoundland. It's my home. And I happen to think it's one of the most beautiful and romantic places on earth. Right now my Heart's Ease series is set in a community that lives in my mind. When I created it, I was combining some of my favourite things about various communities I've seen. But I've also found a real life place that's pretty close to my vision. (I'm not gonna share! I want to buy a house there someday so I'm keeping it my secret oasis!) Of course, my characters find themselves in other places besides Heart's Ease. Miami plays a role in Hard as Ice. And St. John's is pretty prominent in Play Me. But my settings come from my heart.
Ah yes. You might wonder sometimes why I write about Newfoundland when this is what it looks like here on April 1. I wish this was an April Fools joke. Alas, it is my reality.
2. What is your support system for your writing? Family, friends, other writers?
I am blessed to have so many supportive people behind me. My husband is without a doubt my biggest supporter. Without him I wouldn't have been able to quit my job to focus on writing as a full-time career. It's because he believes in me. He reads everything I write. And he helps me keep going. I'm also very lucky to have my family. They might not always understand why I do what I do, but they have my back no matter what. Then there are all the friends that help me. My editor is one of my best friends. So is my cover designer. And I also have some dear friends who watch the wee one for me so I can write during the week. Then there are the other writers I know. I belong to an awesome group of local writers called the "Scribe Wenches" and they rock my world. My crit partner, the fabulous medieval Scottish romance author Kate Robbins, is a fellow wench. I call her the Queen Wench, since she's one of the founding members. I've also come to meet plenty of other authors online who help. A couple of groups I belong to online that need a shout out are "Chick Lit Goddesses", the "B.I.C.H.O.K" group, and our own merry band of Romance Weekly authors.
3. What is the worst writing advice you've ever received and how did you deal with it?
I have to be honest. I haven't received any bad advice. I think there's merit in everything someone suggests. While I might not act on every little thing, there's normally something that I can think about. Boring answer. Sorry. But there it is.
Now, get your clicking finger ready to take a tour around the Romance Weekly loop and see what all 24 of us had to say this week. You can start right here with Eden Ashe. :)