I asked some of my fellow Passionate Kisses box set authors to share with me where they write. I've been thinking a lot lately about life as a writer before having a child and after. Back before him, I was big into finding the "right" writing environment. I had idea sod what my writing space should look like, and what I should do for inspiration. But now that I'm a full time author/full time mom, my writing space has turned out to be anywhere I happen to be with a free moment.
It was this curiosity that led me to wonder where other contemporary romance author get creative.
First up, Jessi Gage. I'm leading with Jessi because when she sent me her photo it reminded me of one of my favourite places to write in the house. Can you spot the similarity?
My not-so near writing space. And no, the smurf has no significance other than that's where the wee one's hat happened to be resting while I was writing. Sorta creepy.
This what Jessi said about her space.
"Here’s where the magic happens for me, LOL! It’s central to the huge messes my kids create every day, so I can pick and choose which areas to clean (or not to clean) as my muse dictates."
Then we have Sydney Holmes. What I love about Sydney's space is how upfront it is about a common writer's addiction: coffee and places to drink it.
This photo was taken pre-baby when I had the luxury of hiding away for a week in the woods to do nothing but write and drink coffee. Ahhhhh. Still, wouldn't trade what I do now for anything in the world.
ere's what Sydney had to say about her coffee shop writing.
"What's not to like, it's clean, smells delicious and not my car!"
Since Sydney mentioned cars, my next photo of my space will prove that yes, writers do write in their cars. Often.
Hey. At least I'm eating fruit while I write in my car. That's progress.
Then we have Allie Boniface, who has the closest thing to a home office of all the photos sent to me. And I need to apologies to Allie right now. She didn't sent me this picture in this messed up angle. But it's late, my blog isn't cooperating, and I have packing to do for a trip, so I'm giving up trying to fix it and will just ask your indulgence to twist your head a little.
Ah cats and their love of taking over our workspace. If you're not a cat owner you don't understand just how common this is for felines. It's like they know we need to work and aren't having any of it. To see what Allie has created with Hannah along for the ride, click the kitty and you'll be transported to her Amazon page.
Allie says of her space:
"Though I sometimes work on my laptop, lately I've been writing on my desktop in my home office. My writing coach, Hannah, is a big fan of ebooks, as you can see. She'd much rather sit on the printer than have me use it!"
And now we get to Liz Kelly. Ahhhh, Liz. Who gives us the glamourous side of being an author. When I saw this photo I immediately wrote to tell her to expect me there soon. All I can say is "Heaven".
Here's what she says about this spectacular space:
"For 8 months out of the year my office is poolside in Naples, Florida. I swear, sitting her the stories just write themselves."
Honestly, I don't think I'd get out of the pool to write. I'd need to invest in a waterproof laptop. In case you're wondering where she spends the rest of the year (the summer) she heads to Chicago.
So there you have it. Four of my Passionate Kisses pals and their writing spaces. Thanks so much to Jessi, Sydney, Allie and Liz for sharing with me.
Finally, once last photo from one of my favourite places to write, even though I don't get there often. I'll leave you with this little piece of heaven in Newfoundland.
I love being surrounded by tress and silence.