I love it when we have photo challenges. :) This week Elizabeth Janette asked us to share photos of our writing space. Well, this certainly is a challenge for me because I don't have a dedicated writing space. As they say, "Have laptop, will travel." So I'm going to share some photos of the various places I've taken pictures of while I'm writing in the past, plus where I'm writing today. At this moment. It's a fleeting moment. :)
This was taken about ten minutes ago. It's my kitchen table. And it's not normally this pretty. It just happens that there was a tv crew here yesterday so the house is currently in a state of cleanliness that's only stayed this way because the wee one is at the sitter today.
I write in my car on my iPad.
I write in the TV room with broken toes iced with berries. Granted, this is a little unusual. But it's happened. And it proves I will write anywhere, at anytime.
Ohhh. This is one of my favourite spots to write. I love writing in the woods. This is at my parents cabin. Interestingly, after I posted this photo on Facebook a year ago, they painted the deck. I sort of liked it like this.
This is sort of cheating, since I wasn't writing the day I took this picture. However, this is one of my normal writing spots, and this is the view I have while I'm there. This is at our provincial museum, archives and art gallery. We call it The Rooms. I love it there. It's great for quiet writing. And it's awesome for letting toddlers run wild.
And that's about it. If I've dashed your hopes of what a romance writer's space is like, fear not. The ever-wonderful Collette Cameron will deliver in spades. I'm a little ashamed that she is following me, because I know her writing space is so over-the-top romantic that it's going to make my willy-nillyness look even worse. I can only dream of a dedicated place to write. But when you're balancing a full time writing career with a busy toddler, well, you do what you can.
Have a great day everyone! And make sure to make all the stop on the blog hop this week!